If you’ve read the post on the starting position of the snatch, then be ready to hear some of the same concepts again. The clean and the snatch are really similar movements, the main changes that differ will be the grip width and the foot position. Due to these changes the torso angle during the 1st and 2nd pull will change slightly, and for most lifters, the bar will make contact at mid to high thigh rather than at the hip, again, this is due to a narrower grip width.
So what does “Slow from the floor” mean?
Since the Olympic lifts are said to be some of the most explosive and fast movements, It might seem a bit confusing that a cue like “Slow from the floor” is being used. Although the word “slow” is being used, it’s important to mention what it’s slow in relation to. The 1st pull is always talked about relative to the 2nd pull, so when it’s slow, it means that the 2nd pull will be considerably faster than the 1st pull.
The reason the bar should move relatively slow from the floor, compared to the 2nd pull, is because of the transition between the pulls has to take place at the most optimal hang position possible. If the 1st pull is rushed the chance of failing to achieve an appropriate hang position is considerably higher than if the pull isn't rushed.
In regards to the starting position, it’s really similar to the snatch. The shoulders are the same distance in front of the bar, however, due to the narrower grip, the torso angle is going to be in a slightly more upright position compared to the snatch. The elbows are still pointing in the same direction as the bar, knees lightly touching the inside of the elbows. The bar placement above the ball of the foot with 3 points of contact, big toe, pinkie toe, and the heel.